AI in Marketing: Working Smarter, Not Harder
AI contains untold potential for uplifting our world, nowhere else is this more true than in marketing. But just how is AI used in marketing?

Quick Tips: Turbocharging Your Social Media in 2020
“Social media is the great equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.” ~ podcaster and New York Times best-selling author, Amy Jo Martin Trade associations. Professional associations. Charitable associations. Heck, there’s even an...
I, Robot – the Marketing Chatbots Revolution is Here
Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant…heck, even Domino’s Pizza. Whether you’re ordering your favorite slice, getting your glam on, house hunting, or asking for customer service help, you’re likely interacting with chatbots on a regular basis. No mere novelty, chatbots have...
The State of the State of Social Media, Part II
In Part I of this series, I shared my love of playing a good game of Whac-A-Mole. Just keeping up with those cheeky little furballs is usually an exercise in frustration, which is why it’s the perfect analogy for what it’s like trying to stay abreast of the rapid-fire...
The State of the State of Social Media
Ever played that perennial carnival and arcade favorite, Whac-A-Mole? As a child, I loved a good game of Whac-A-Mole, yet found it incredibly frustrating. Every time I was sure I’d finally defeated those pesky critters, another one would pop up its sassy little head....
Little is the New Big: the Rise of Micro Influencer Marketing, Part II
“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.” ~ Seth Godin I love this quote from Seth Godin. Why? Because it speaks directly and beautifully to the heart of the influencer marketing concept. And if you’ve read Part I of this series,...
Little is the New Big: the Rise of Micro Influencer Marketing, Part I
“Influencer marketing” has a certain cachet these days; it’s the buzziest buzzword that ever buzzed. Everyone wants in on it. Brands want to know how to put it to use, while wannabe influencers want to capitalize on its popularity. But, what is it? And why...
Command Attention: Social Event Marketing Strategies That Actually Work, Part VI
Dear readers, we’ve come a long way during this journey across the livestreaming and live social sharing landscape, but our travels are nearly at end. To wrap things up, I want to share a few of the terrific questions that came from the audience during our Boosting...