Where, Oh Where to Publish Your Article? Three Platforms to Consider
When putting together a content strategy plan, there are many types of content to consider. With all these decisions ahead of you, it can seem overwhelming but if you take some time to define your goals first, the process will be a lot easier. From infographics, to...The Keys to the (Magic) Kingdom: How to Effectively Manage Your Brand
United, United, United…have you learned nothing from your recent troubles? Over at MarketingProfs, I recently covered the trials and tribulations of America’s fourth-largest airline, and the comedy of errors that is United Airlines’ crisis communications strategy. As...
Experiencing the Magic: Three Ways to Better Execute Your Plan
Full disclosure – I’m a huge Disney World fan. The memories that I’ve made during the last 20 years are just priceless. For example, this one: my family and I sat down for a Disney Character breakfast – one where Mickey, Minnie, and other Disney characters visit your...How to Become a Conference Pro: Before, During, and After Tips for a Successful Conference
From education opportunities to new business contacts, conferences can be of immense value to you with the proper planning and execution. However, there is no way around it – attending a conference is expensive. From the hotel, to food, to exhibiting, to the...
Four Tips & Tricks for Successful PR Measurement
Whether it is to increase sales, gain more members, or be seen as a thought-leader in a particular industry, businesses and organizations have a wide variety of goals. And as communication professionals, our job is to help our clients meet their goals. But how do we...
Next-Gen Networking
I was in Maui in early May of this year, kitesurfing with a friend. As I chatted with other kiters there – who have subsequently become friends – I learned about Maui’s MaiTai’s event. This unique annual networking gathering brings together elite kiteboarders, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and tech companies.

What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part II
It starts with one snarky tweet, or maybe an angry post in the /r/rage subreddit. The next thing you know, your inbox is choked with Google alerts, your company is trending on Twitter (and not in a good way), Buzzfeed is snickering at you, your PR director is blowing up your phone, and your boss needs you in the conference room right now.

What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part I
You’ve seen them on reddit, Slideshare, Twitter, and Facebook. You’ve probably rolled your eyes, laughed ruefully, and shook your head, wondering why, oh why, would anyone post something so stupid on (insert your favorite social platform here)? Didn’t they know what would happen? Didn’t they stop to think before they sent that tweet or posted that update? Didn’t they know any better?! Oh, the outrage!
Blurred Lines
“Blurred Lines,” the controversial smash hit that topped U.S. Billboard magazine’s 2013 Songs of the Summer list and achieved No. 1 in more than 100 countries, continues to make headlines, but for the wrong reasons. It’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” as not all publicity is good PR. Sending the wrong message can have devastating consequences for your brand and hard-earned reputation.