Google’s Mobilegeddon – the End of the World as We Know It?
Mobilegeddon. Googpocalypse. Despite some of the more dire warnings out there, it’s really not the end of the world as we know it, I promise. But just in case you haven’t heard the news, here it is in a nutshell: Google rolled out a pretty significant change to its...
Content Is King…As Long As You Know What To do With It
It’s said that 2014 will be the year that content marketing comes into it’s own. Content marketing has been on the list of most buzz-worthy buzzwords for some time. There are magazines devoted to the topic, awards for “best content marketers”, and a quick search of the Internet spits back list upon list of how to do it correctly. Marketers from organizations of all sizes and types have jumped onto the bandwagon with both feet. It’s easy to understand why when you consider that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing, while generating about three times as many leads per dollar spent.
Get on the Wiki-Wiki Bus, Part II
In part one of a two-part series discussing the importance of Wikipedia, we explored the reasons why your organization might – should, really – want to add a Wikipedia article to its communications toolbox. Its status as the sixth most-visited website on the Internet, prominence in organic search engine results, and frequent use as a research resource by the media should make the decision to join the hallowed pages of Wikipedia a no-brainer.

Heard it Through the Great Vine
Have you heard of Vine? It’s the bee’s knees. Of course, everyone loves a good video. But who has the time to watch? Our quick-to-the-punch social media world doesn’t have the patience for long-winded and whimsical video presentations—unless you’re stuck at the airport.
Get on the Wiki-Wiki Bus, Part I
The question is no longer should your business have a Wikipedia article, but why doesn’t it?
If you’ve ever visited or stopped over in the land of my ancestors, you’ve probably come across this Hawaiian travel staple – the whimsically named “Wiki-Wiki” bus. In the native Hawaiian language, the word “Wiki” means “quick”. At the Honolulu International Airport, the Wiki-Wiki bus serves as a quick way for travel-weary passengers to scoot between the various terminals.
What Technology is Right for my Business?
Technology has been and continues to be a game changer for enterprises and individuals alike; just consider how different things would be if email had never been invented. You don’t need a laundry list of the benefits that adopting a new technology brings, but why technologies stick and others don’t is a different story.