Lessons Unlearned: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Social Media
So, the SyFy Network just announced a new series that I can’t wait to watch: “The Internet Ruined My Life.” According to SyFy, the show “exposes the unexpected perils of living in a social media obsessed world” and “reveals how people just like you and me...What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part II
It starts with one snarky tweet, or maybe an angry post in the /r/rage subreddit. The next thing you know, your inbox is choked with Google alerts, your company is trending on Twitter (and not in a good way), Buzzfeed is snickering at you, your PR director is blowing up your phone, and your boss needs you in the conference room right now.
What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part I
You’ve seen them on reddit, Slideshare, Twitter, and Facebook. You’ve probably rolled your eyes, laughed ruefully, and shook your head, wondering why, oh why, would anyone post something so stupid on (insert your favorite social platform here)? Didn’t they know what would happen? Didn’t they stop to think before they sent that tweet or posted that update? Didn’t they know any better?! Oh, the outrage!