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Content Is King…As Long As You Know What To do With It

Content Is King…As Long As You Know What To do With It

It’s said that 2014 will be the year that content marketing comes into it’s own. Content marketing has been on the list of most buzz-worthy buzzwords for some time. There are magazines devoted to the topic, awards for “best content marketers”, and a quick search of the Internet spits back list upon list of how to do it correctly. Marketers from organizations of all sizes and types have jumped onto the bandwagon with both feet. It’s easy to understand why when you consider that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing, while generating about three times as many leads per dollar spent.

The World Cup and its Mobile, Global Stadium

The World Cup and its Mobile, Global Stadium

Advancements in areas such as telecommunications, smart cities, the Internet of Things, electric vehicles, and cloud computing are all pushing us towards a more sustainable, healthy, energy-efficient, and smarter lifestyle. And thanks to all the inventors, entrepreneurs, thinkers, risk-takers, venture capitalists, techies, marketers, sales folks, social media, fans, and individual consumers… we are one, big, connected planet celebrating our global connection and competitive spirit of the World Cup together – no matter how physically far apart we may be.

What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part I

What You Don’t Know About Social Media Can Kill You(r Brand), Part I

You’ve seen them on reddit, Slideshare, Twitter, and Facebook. You’ve probably rolled your eyes, laughed ruefully, and shook your head, wondering why, oh why, would anyone post something so stupid on (insert your favorite social platform here)? Didn’t they know what would happen? Didn’t they stop to think before they sent that tweet or posted that update? Didn’t they know any better?! Oh, the outrage!

How to Survive SXSW: Before You Go

How to Survive SXSW: Before You Go

Attending the South By Southwest (SXSW) Festival teaches you a thing or two about how to survive in the downtown Austin wilderness. For some, it can be a daunting event to navigate—especially if new to the SXSW shuffle. But it’s actually one of those experiences that require a full jump into the deep end. Just go for it.

Heard it Through the Great Vine

Heard it Through the Great Vine

Have you heard of Vine? It’s the bee’s knees. Of course, everyone loves a good video. But who has the time to watch? Our quick-to-the-punch social media world doesn’t have the patience for long-winded and whimsical video presentations—unless you’re stuck at the airport.

Dreamforce: A Look Into the Future

My complimentary pass to Dreamforce 2013 (#DF13) exposed me to information (keynotes and expo) to affirm change has arrived and is coming for many in the way we communicate.

Internal communications, collaboration and engagement with customers and partners is evolving and business professionals are increasingly using mobile devices to reach…

Blurred Lines

“Blurred Lines,” the controversial smash hit that topped U.S. Billboard magazine’s 2013 Songs of the Summer list and achieved No. 1 in more than 100 countries, continues to make headlines, but for the wrong reasons. It’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” as not all publicity is good PR. Sending the wrong message can have devastating consequences for your brand and hard-earned reputation.