Going for Gold: What businesses can learn from the 2014 Olympics
As the 22nd Winter Olympics in Sochi have now come to a close, it’s a perfect time to pause and reflect on what businesses can learn from the Olympics. I can’t help but to draw parallels between the critical elements required for a successful road to the gold, and those needed for today’s businesses: teamwork, focus, perseverance, leadership and strategy.
Without teamwork and great teammates, a team will struggle to win an Olympic medal, or even succeed at all, no matter how bright one or two individuals may shine.
Get on the Wiki-Wiki Bus, Part II
In part one of a two-part series discussing the importance of Wikipedia, we explored the reasons why your organization might – should, really – want to add a Wikipedia article to its communications toolbox. Its status as the sixth most-visited website on the Internet, prominence in organic search engine results, and frequent use as a research resource by the media should make the decision to join the hallowed pages of Wikipedia a no-brainer.

The PRos View of CES
Scores of technology PR pros hit the massive show floor at the 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to support clients during interviews and engage with a vast army of bloggers, reporters and influential columnists that take over Vegas. For three days, more than 150,000 consumer technology – and increasingly enterprise technology – industry-types watched, tweeted and blogged about everything CES.
Blurred Lines
“Blurred Lines,” the controversial smash hit that topped U.S. Billboard magazine’s 2013 Songs of the Summer list and achieved No. 1 in more than 100 countries, continues to make headlines, but for the wrong reasons. It’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” as not all publicity is good PR. Sending the wrong message can have devastating consequences for your brand and hard-earned reputation.