Oh, Those Magic (Twitter) Moments, Part II
Welcome back to part two of our discussion on Twitter Moments, the storytelling-via-tweet functionality that Twitter recently unleashed on the Twitterverse. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can always check out Part I of this series for a rundown of...
Oh, Those Magic (Twitter) Moments, Part I
What do you think of when you hear the word “moment”? A single beat of time? A memory, event, or that instant when you gain greater insight about yourself and the world around you? All of these serve well as the definition of a moment. But, I think the bigger question...
To Live Tweet or Not to Live Tweet…That is the Question (but Really Shouldn’t Be)
You’ve secured your venue, lined up an array of amazing speakers, and executed a brilliant promotional campaign. Now what? What else could you possibly do to shine the spotlight down on your event, webinar, or press conference? Is there even anything left that might...The Tweets, They Are A-Changin’…
As the old saying goes, “Nothing stays the same but change.” And for Twitter users, there are some rather interesting changes afoot. As the social media juggernaut continues to struggle with the question of what it wants to be when it grows up, Twitter has decided to...
Happy Birthday, Twitter – Reflecting on a Decade of Life in 140 Characters
Do you remember what life was like some 10 years ago, before the marvelous technology innovation that is Twitter burst onto the scene? The number sign (or pound or hash symbol) was still a year away from being reinvented as the hashtag. A “tweet” was the sound a bird...
Meerkat or Periscope – Twitter Just Got a Lot More Fun
Well, there you have it folks. Just when it’s your time to shine – lights, camera, action! – with Meerkat, Twitter releases its live-streaming video app, Periscope. We knew this was coming. Meerkat was launched with much fervor, and the fanaticism grew quickly....
RT: Spread the Word! Tapping Into the Retweetable You
Whether your client is announcing a new product or you want to tell the world you’ve just gotten engaged, there are many reasons why you would want to spread your message on Twitter. But regardless of the reason or even the content of the message (well, content is...
Heard it Through the Great Vine
Have you heard of Vine? It’s the bee’s knees. Of course, everyone loves a good video. But who has the time to watch? Our quick-to-the-punch social media world doesn’t have the patience for long-winded and whimsical video presentations—unless you’re stuck at the airport.